FAQ's - Sunset Surf Villas

Do I need a Visa?

  • Yes – please consult the Indonesian Immigration website to see cost and requirement for your country of origin.
  • A tourist visa is available for most nationalities upon arrival at Indonesian Immigration. In order to enter Indonesia your passport must strictly be valid for 6 months from your arrival.

What happens when I arrive in Padang?

Your adventure with Sunset Surf Villas kicks off when you land at Padang International Airport.
A Sunset Surf Villas representative will meet you at the airport. 
Depending on your package below, you can either make your own travel arrangements to catch your taxi, book your hotel room and catch the Mentawai Fast Ferry to Taupejat, or you can book our Sunset Surf Villas return airport package, which is all inclusive. We will look after you from Padang Airport, as well as book your hotel and ferry tickets. We have package rates for surfers, non surfers and children.
From Padang to Taupejat you will catch the Mentawai Fast Ferry which runs on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7am, and on a Sunday at 10am.
The trip takes approximately 3 hours. On arrival in Taujpejat our Sunset Surf Villas private boat will transport you across to our resort.
*Quotes available on request

Do I need Travel Insurance?

  • Yes – proof of travel insurance is a mandatory requirement before the start of your trip and your insurance must include medical evacuation as serious accidents can happen from time to time.

How do I pay for the Mentawai Surf Tax?

  • Upon arrival at Sunset Surf Villas our Manager will collect the money from each guest IDR 500 000 per person and pay the government for a 30 visa. A receipt will be issued.

What Surfboards should I Bring?

  • The ideal quiver depending on your surf level would be 2 short boards and a step up board. Your standard board should handle waves up to 6 foot in size and a second board in case your break/snap the first one. A step up board would be beneficial when swell gets bigger than 6 foot.

Is there a Photographer?

  • Yes we do provide a photographer at an additional cost of USD200 per person. You will be handed a memory stick with all the photos of your trip.

Is there Signal and or Internet?

  • Yes – We have a Starlink for WiFi connection.

Do I need Medication / Vaccines for Malaria?

  • We recommend you seek info or advice from your personal doctor regarding Malaria treatment, Hepatitis, Typhoid and Tetanus. Smart preventative measures like covering up and mosquito spray are generally considered enough.

What do I Pack?

  • Passport – must be valid for at least 6 months from date of arrival
  • Ailine Tickets
  • Travel Insurance Info /  Documents
  • Credit Card
  • Cash – we recommend you bring at least  400 – 500 USD to cover souvenirs . photo package , tips for staff and or in case of any emergencies.
  • Boards
  • Board Shorts – 2 or 3 pairs
  • Rash Vest
  • Booties – for the reef
  • Spare Leashes and Spare fins and keys
  • Tropical Warm Water wax – few blocks
  • Sunscreen
  • Beach Towel
  • Insect repellent
  • Sun Cap
  • Personal Medication and Antibiotics.